Post #10 Sensory strategies
Many of our children and young people who experience sensory processing differences may be supported with sensory strategies. In this post I outline some of these strategies - this post links with posts on sensory differences and sensory ideas & activities. First of all it may be helpful to consider each of the sensory systems and the possible hypersensitivity and hyposensitivity some individuals experience - (see post on sensory differences). The following examples illustrate sensory strategies you could try at home: Visual hypersensitivity - calming Visual hyposensitivity - alerting Use sunglasses or tinted lenses, especially in bright lights. Be aware of visually ‘busy’ areas in the home & limit visual items. Try lamps instead of overhead lighting. Keep information on worksheet clear & simple, reduce visual details. Try visually stimulating apps (see sensory ideas & activities for examples). Touch screens. Visually stimul...