
Showing posts from 2020

Post #44 Back to School Resources

Some useful resources for preparing to go back to school: Great visual from  the Scottish Government and NLC Communication Friendly Schools   Masks in secondary schools    For more great visuals, follow  @SchoolsNlc  Lovely story by Kezia Matthews about bubbles for children going back to nursery: Bubbles at nursery      Going back to school resource from Children's Commissioner for England - A guide for children to tell them some of the changes they might see when they go back to school this September as well as providing tips on how to cope if they’re feeling worried or nervous and helpful resources to stay safe. Free to download  Social stories from 'AND NEXT COMES L' Video social stories from the Rainbow Classroom: Back to school social story from  ELSA support Two lovely 'wordless stories', free to download from Beyond Words  Beyond words stories Summary of face covering rules from Ambitious about Autism Checklist ...

Post #43 Physical and Emotional Aspects of School Return: Be Prepared

September is approaching fast! This post reflects upon the physical and emotional aspects of returning to school or college and considers ways to prepare your son or daughter to support a positive return. Many of us are beginning to return to a more 'normal' routine, although we may still have anxieties due to ongoing uncertainties regarding the impact of this pandemic. Most youngsters have been at home for months, so preparing them for the transition back to school/college is crucial. Of particular importance to consider are the physical and emotional aspects of returning to school/college. Use the next couple of weeks to prepare yourself and your child - this preparation  may help to reduce anxieties for you and for your children and support a positive return.  Physical and Emotional Aspects of Returning to School or College Many youngsters will feel  anxious about returning to school or college. Their anxiety may show itself in many different ways, for example: Autisti...

Post #42 Summertime tips: Staying Positive

Summertime can be exhausting, enjoyable but exhausting. It can be hard to keep yourself motivated, so this post offers some tips for keeping things positive at those times when you are feeling tired and energy levels are low. No matter how enjoyable summertime might be it can still be tiring and mentally draining, especially after months of home-learning. So, how do you stay positive when you are feeling worn out and your mood is low? Try some of these tips - hope something works for you! Positive planning   Keep it as easy as possible! Plan 1 activity a day and keep it simple and enjoyable for you and your child/ren. Like this: Plan for exercise When we are tired, worn down and lack motivation, one of the best activities we can plan is exercise! Physical activity and exercise releases 'feel good' chemicals which give us a lift and can energise us. I have to say that when you are tired and worn down, exercise can feel like the last thing you want to do, but gi...